Chào các bạn, mình muốn được nói tiếng Anh tốt, muốn tham gia 1 khóa tiếng Anh về nói chất lượng. Bạn có thể cho mình thông tin về khóa học được k? Mình nói rất kém và rất tự ty, mình bị khủng hoảng trầm trọng về chuyện đó, hãy cho mình 1 lời khuyên.
Hi Thupt86,
I am just a guest and today i took a chance to visit the website of your English club and i saw your question which is very interesting. In order to speak good English,
- u need to have good "core vocabulary" as well as Grammar.
- But that's not enough, u also need to have knowledge about social life, so u can go into long conversation.
- Sometimes the spoken English is not the same as the written one, therefore it would be better when u know how the people from English spoken countries speak. Ex: Instead of saying: Wait a minute, people in England would say: Hang on a sec.
- Work on your pronunciation because that's the most important fact.
- Last but not least, be confident, don't be shy, scared or stress. Just speak what u can and don't worry about the mistakes, the more mistake u make, the more u learn.
Those are my advices and i hope your speaking will be improved very soon. BE CONFIDENT and good luck
You just wrote :"sometimes the spoken English is not the same as the written one, therefore it would be better when u know how the people from English spoken countries speak. Ex: Instead of saying: Wait a minute, people in England would say: Hang on a sec."
I would say either way is correct and it depends on the situation we have a conversation that we say "wait a minute" or "hang on a second".
1. We say " hang on a second" / "hang on (please) / please hold/ one moment (please)/ just a second (please)" for…
… connecting someone in a telephone conversation
"Hang on a sec. I'll put you through to the office of Mr. Joey." :D
2. We say" wait a minute " in order…
… to interrupt someone or…
… to get their attention or when you have suddenly thought of something important
"Wait a minute. I don't agree with that."
"Wait a minute. I've just had an idea."
Does that make sense to you, my dear Joey ? They are all typical phrases thou. :-)
P.S. Tháng 12 ra HN, tôi sẽ giới thiệu người với mọi người ở HYEC nhá. :X
"They say love hides in every corner… "
Wow, what an interesting topic. I can go along with short conversation but when it comes to long conversation, it does give me headache from time to time. May be the main reason is due to my tiny vocabulary and the social knowledge.
……due to my tiny vocabulary and the social knowledge.
I think you should ask our bro Tung for a kindly help, and I'm sure he's gonna do a great one for you..:)
Nothing speacial, first you should practice to hear English very often. You'd better hear English as much as you can, eg.. you can hear when you playing game, you are on the bus, sth like that. That is the passive hearing way.
Second, you listen to English actively. YOu can listen to music, try to repeat the lyric of the song, listen to some English news which is the same level with yours.
Third, you should learn more new words and go out for speaking with foreigner. You can search some English study web like :,,,, in order to learn more about vocabulary and listening skill.
Information is not enough above but hope you can get advancement in E soon.
Tran Trung Kien
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