You will undertake that during your employment with the Company and for a period of 12 months following the termination of your employment with the Company (the “exclusion period”) you shall not whether on your account or otherwise and whether directly or indirectly:
(1) Solicit, interfere with endeavour to entice away or induce to leave their employment any person who is then or was at the date of termination of the Appointment any employee of the Company or any other companies within Liberty Mutual Group or its joint venture companies; or
(2) Solicit, interfere with endeavour to or actually entice away from the Company or any Company within Liberty Mutual Group or its joint venture companies business orders, or customers for the products or services similar to those being provided by the Company from any person, firm or corporation who was at the date of termination of your employment with the Company, or had been at any time within the year ending on that date, a customer or in the habit of doing business with the Company and with whom that you were directly involved with in the twelve months before the termination of your employment with the Company.
You will acknowledge and agree that the duration extent and application of each of the restrictions are no greater than is necessary for the reasonable protection of the proper interests of the Company."