Program for 19 February 2012 -- DATING: REJECTIONS AND BREAK-UPS
Program for 19 February 2012

In dating and relationships, rejections and break-ups are as common as happy endings. When approaching someone with whom you like to start a relationship, you run a risk of being rejected. Even when you have successfully established a relationship, nothing can be taken for granted because the relationship may very well end up in a break-up. These rejections and break-ups are disappointing to say the least, but we all have to learn to deal with them at one time or another to be able to find what we really want in a relationship. Today, we're discussing how to handle them at both ends of the equation.
Discussion Questions
- At the receiving end (the person who has been rejected), it is often very sad and even soul-crushing. Why do you think we feel sad in such a situation? Inferiority? Disappointment? Is it possible not to feel sad? How do we get over it?
- At the giving end (the person who initiates the break-up or rejection), what would be the proper etiquettes? How do we initiate the break-up or rejection so the other party can leave with dignity? How should we handle clingy ex-partners who would not let go?
- Do you think that having been at both ends of the breaking-up process (and rejections) helps us grow as a person? Do you think that it's possible to go through life without having to deal with failures and disappointments? Do you think that having experienced all the ups and downs and the in-betweens helps us learn how to appreciate life more?
Program for 19 February 2012 -- DATING: REJECTIONS AND BREAK-UPS by
doannhutung, 19 Feb 2012 09:58