Program for 11 March 2012
by Ton Huyen
We’re all familiar with the myriad benefits of the Internet, a tool which has undeniably changed the way we communicate, learn and use entertainment. But how much of a good thing is too much? For a small fraction of kids, the Internet’s draw may prove too enticing, as Internet addiction (loosely defined as excessive use of the Internet that negatively impacts academic, social and family life) appears to be on the rise in much of the industrialized world.
That’s important to do, as a national survey recently found that the amount of time young people spend with entertainment media has raised dramatically: Today, 8 to 18 year olds spend an average of almost eight hours a day using digital media. And because they are often “media-multitasking” (like instant messaging on the computer while watching TV and texting friends on their cell phones) they actually manage to cram a total of 10 hours and 45 minutes worth of media content into those eight hours.
So, is it bad for kids and adults alike to spend so much time using digital media? The answer isn’t straightforward, as the article makes clear, and much more research needs to be done.
In conclusion, do you still strongly believe that Internet has giving us a bad influence to our lives. So what is your view?
- Television and Internet is dangerous because it has destroyed living and communication among friends and family. Some people said that it absorb people’s time too much that they have no time to talk to each other. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
- Modern day social networking is disabling people from having real interpersonal relationships?
- There has other statement that: “Television and Internet are causes leading to violence in the today’s society?”
- When an individual is addicted to drugs and the drugs are taken away, that individual will experience withdrawal as his body adapts to living without drugs. The same is true with the Internet and Internet addiction?